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ASCOBANS Meeting the First to Review EIA Guidelines for Marine Noise-generating Activities

30 August 2016

Threats to small whales in the North and Baltic Sea are in the focus of a Conference of Range States taking place from 30th August to 1st of September in Helsinki, Finland. The Baltic Sea is home to a tiny population of harbour porpoises threatened with extinction.

Wild Migration is teaming up with OceanCare and NRDC to attend the Conference to address the need for impact assessments prior to activities that create underwater noise.

Wild Migration's Technical Director, Geoff Prideaux, is the lead author of the CMS Family Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessments for Marine Noise-generating Activities being discussed.

Once adopted, the Guidelines will be available for Governments that are Parties or Signatories to CMS, ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS, as well as the Wadden Sea Seals, Atlantic Monk Seals, Atlantic Marine Turtles, West African Aquatic Mammals, Pacific Islands Cetaceans, Dugong, IOSEA and Sharks agreements.

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